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Project Overview

Globally, the phenomenon of digitalisation is a reality for all industries including the military. Previously, Timor-Leste Defence Force (F-FDTL) logistics wing operated manually, struggling with information flow between different silos, resulting in decreased efficiency and responsiveness. In 2019, the Australian Defence Cooperation Programme (DCP) in Timor-Leste s invested in revolutionising the F-FDTL military logistics system. Working with the DCP, Similie further developed Parabl, Similie’s cloud-based platform, to encompass an advanced military logistics and asset management system ushering F-FDTL in the modern technological era. In addition to deploying the system, Similie also provided extensive training to achieve tech adoption and F-FDTL’s independent operation of the system.


  • 93 military personnel are trained to use digital LMS (Male 63; Female 30)
  • All trainees go through 71.8 training hours spread across three weeks
  • Recent pre-post-test evaluations suggest that the trainees’ perception of requiring to develop additional skills in the different training topics on an average decreased from pre-test (53%) to post-test (10%), suggesting high knowledge retention and confidence in trained topics

Existing Problem

Previously, F-FDTL used traditional paper-based military logistics systems and asset management processes resulting in inventory mismanagement. The changing personnel created communication breakdowns and sluggish handover processes.  This resulted in a system that had high costs, organizational challenges, and human errors among others.

To tackle these efficiency issues F-FDTL required user friendly, sustainable and low-cost digital management solutions. The digital transformation of F-FDTL’s military logistics system and personnel management system eliminated much of the manual order handling and by aligning the silos, reducing both costs and time.

Similie's Solution

After consultation and an in-depth requirements gathering to ensure understanding of the F-FDTL needs, Similie deployed Parabl, configured as a a digital military logistics system, to simplify, integrate and standardise all logistical activities and processes.  This process was grounded on people-centred approaches to technology deployment and innovation. In addition to adoption of digital technologies, enabling personnel to navigate and troubleshoot new systems are equally important. Training F-FDTL officers were therefore at the heart of the LMS solution chain. This unique blend of technology and training required intensive follow-ups, refresher trainings, assessments, evaluations, listening and observing how the F-FDTL officers were responding to the new technology. As a result of this approach, all the LMS trainees scored 100% on the diagnostic tests – leading towards a successful tech adoption.

"With the new system chances of human error are minimized and miscommunication between staff will reduce, especially during handovers."


"Managing logistics will achieve efficiency because communication will be faster between different hierarchies and speeds up the work flow."


"Organization will be easier with the new system due to accurate and instant information. In addition, accountability among responsible parties also increases."


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